The Rt. Hon. J. Enoch Powell, M.B.E., M.P., Minister of Health.
❝ON the occasion of the 500th episode in the series Emergency—Ward 10, I should like to send my congratulations to all concerned with this production. Combining, as it does, good entertainment with a wealth of information and technical detail, it has impressed millions of viewers with the fine work done by the doctors and nurses and all others who make up the hospital team.
The programme has also given valuable support to health education and preventive medicine by stressing, for instance, the importance of immunisation against infectious disease, by reminding parents of the dreadful penalty on failure to take simple precautions against burns and scalds, or by emphasising the indispensable voluntary service rendered by blood donors and by those trained in first aid. In short, the programme has made a real contribution to saving life and preventing disease.❞